
Salesforce is Coming to Blue Lacuna

Salesforce is Coming to Blue Lacuna Salesforce is partnering with Ignite Technology and Innovation to bring you the Salesforce One Day Workshop.  We will be introducing people in Chicago to the Salesforce training platform.  The goals are to expose folks from the south and west sides of the city to the opportunity that exist in … Continue reading Salesforce is Coming to Blue Lacuna

Startup Weekend Kickoff at The Blue Lacuna

Startup Weekend Kickoff at The Blue Lacuna   Startup Weekend kicked of their event at The Blue Lacuna on Friday night over 100 people filed into the space to set up teams and begin the startup weekend pitches. Techstars Startup Weekend and Grow with Google have joined forces to offer this special event FREE of … Continue reading Startup Weekend Kickoff at The Blue Lacuna

Ignite Works is Sponsoring a Cisco Academy Orientation

Ignite Works is Sponsoring a Cisco Academy Orientation “Ignite Works” is an initiative of Ignite Technology and Innovation is sponsoring the Cisco Academy  Orientation.  This event is for people who want to be certified in the Cisco certifications.  The event will be September 27th 2018 from 6pm to 8pm.  The location is Blue Lacuna  2150 … Continue reading Ignite Works is Sponsoring a Cisco Academy Orientation

Facebook Workshop at Blue Lacuna

Facebook Workshop at Blue Lacuna Representatives from Facebook were at Blue Lacuna on Thursday doing a workshop on the ins and outs of their platform.  There was a presentation of the various products that Facebook offers and then a very robust Q&A after the Presentation.  Members of Blue Lacuna  and other small businesses attended the … Continue reading Facebook Workshop at Blue Lacuna

Co working space benefits

A startup Coworking space offers a great opportunity for young companies and aspiring, diverse teams. A well-design space can help your startup go from being just an idea to coalescing into a highly profitable team. Someday, your company may grow into the next Apple or Google. Perhaps you’ll have your own company campus complete with all the … Continue reading Co working space benefits