Salesforce Certification Program.
With our Partner CTI Chicago get Salesforce certification at our Blue Lacuna Location.
Sales Force Administrators Are In Demand!
Salesforce offers certifications to codify and prove your skills in administering Salesforce. This can be a great opportunity to learn more about Salesforce and/or bolster your career options by demonstrating your Salesforce knowledge to potential employers. In fact, the demand for Salesforce professionals in all sectors is growing faster than the supply. The most common certification is the entry-level Administrator Certification. It is the broadest, and many think the hardest certification, because of the vast amount of content you are expected to know. CTIChicago uses Sales Force in house! Learn from experience pros, get certified and take your career to the Next Level!
What is Salesforce CRM
Salesforce CTI Success Story
For more information about class schedule and cost please contact us a [email protected]