Blue Lacuna Host 2018 GCEC Conference Attendees

Blue Lacuna host GCEC Conference Attendees The GCEC held its annual conference here in Chicago this year. The Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) The GCEC is the premier academic organization addressing the emerging topics of importance to the nation’s university-based centers for entrepreneurship. It has become the vehicle by which the top, established entrepreneurship … Continue reading Blue Lacuna Host 2018 GCEC Conference Attendees

Facebook Workshop at Blue Lacuna

Facebook Workshop at Blue Lacuna Representatives from Facebook were at Blue Lacuna on Thursday doing a workshop on the ins and outs of their platform.  There was a presentation of the various products that Facebook offers and then a very robust Q&A after the Presentation.  Members of Blue Lacuna  and other small businesses attended the … Continue reading Facebook Workshop at Blue Lacuna